Monday, July 15, 2013


Yesterday, Addy woke up from her first night spent in a big girl bed. She did great until Mom went in to wake her up, scared her and she fell off the bed onto her butt.

Yesterday we enjoyed a hot, sunny afternoon at the pool with Gran, Granmarie and Gramps. Addy, who's always a happy girl in the water, was just giddy to have so many of her favorite people in the pool with her.

Yesterday, only hours after leaving the pool, we watched the rain pour down in our backyard. It was such a nice evening, with the windows open, watching the lightning and listening to the thunder. What a blessing the rain will be to this dry New Mexico desert!

Yesterday marked 39 weeks with Baby D still in the tum tum. I honestly didn't think I would be pregnant this long. Thankfully, God is in control and I am learning to trust in his timing.

Yesterday, we went to bed with hearts full from a relaxing, rejuvenating weekend. Waiting on a baby can be somewhat consuming and Matt and I both enjoyed the time we had together, and with family.

Yesterday was a good day.

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"Comments are like long-distance hugs" - Quote from a friend and I totally agree :)