Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Post for Matt

This post is much over due. It seems I forgot to tell you all about Matt's new job. This blogging thing is funny. Sometimes you think no one cares and then you put a little snippet about your hubby starting a new job in the new year and you get phone calls of congratulations and your best friend asks why she hadn't heard anything else about it. Sorry guys.

 We had been praying for almost a year for a job to come along. A job where Matt could do what he went to school to do, a job that he would actually enjoy. Well with the new year came a new job and guess what... he loves it! What a blessing to see your husband excited to go to work in the morning, enthused about working over time and going in for a couple hours on Saturday. He is such a hard worker and I am so proud of him!

Also, have I mentioned that he's been working out 3 days a week, before work and has lost more than 25 pounds? Good grief! Someone should write a blog post about him or something. He's pretty much awesome.

Now my job has gotten a little bit harder. It's easy to be the highlight of someone's day when they don't enjoy their job. Now that he enjoys what he's doing, I want to make sure that the time he spends at home is still his favorite. Unfortunately, he married a sinner, so I have to work at it a little bit, but he is totally worth it. 

Dear Matt, thank you for going to work everyday so that Addy and I can spend the day together. You are a great husband and a wonderful farther. I hope that you know how proud of you I am.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Keep Calm and Eat Mum Mums!

Addy has a thing for the baby rice snacks called Mum Mums. They are pretty much the only way we are able to go out to eat or shop for any extended period of time. She LOVES them. 

This afternoon Addy and I were having a late afternoon snack. I was standing at the counter and she was as happy as could be on the floor near my feet. Somehow she fell and hit her head on the corner of the cabinet. Poor thing, I knew it would be a painful one and quickly picked her up. She cried, put her head on my shoulder for like a second and then set up and took a bite of the remaining Mum Mum she was holding. Silly girl. 

It made me think of those popular posters all over Pinterest.....

Keep Calm and Eat Mum Mums!

If there's not one that says that, I am going to make it!

The one below is usually what I end up doing.

How would you complete this sentence?

"Keep Calm and _____________________"

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Totally Random Tuesday

It's five til seven and Addy is still snoozing so I thought I would get a post in before our day begins. Be for warned though, it's going to be totally random and possibly super short. She could wake up any minute.

I read a quote on someone's blog that went something like this: "Blogging is like forgetting to return a phone call, after a while it just becomes akward." I hope that after more than a week long absence, this post isn't akward, but you have to get back into things somehow right?

Addy and I got home from a fun visit to see my parents on Friday. Since then, I just haven't been in the mood to blog. I have, however, been dying to get out my sewing machine and organzie my Pinterest account. The latter probably sounds ridiculously lame and really who cares? Well, I do and it's been seriously driving me nuts! Don't fret though, I fixed it. 

In other news, Addy is teething again. But this time it is for reals. We've spotted three trying peek through on the top and she has a stuffy nose to go along with it. Poor thing. But amongst the pain of teething, she is learning to stand up on her own. It's really cute to watch because she is so proud of herself. 

We've been trying to keep her up a little later at night (so she won't wake up so early in the morning), so last night the three of us ran around the house chasing each other. This is one of Addy's favorite games. Matt holds Addy and chases after me. She loves it! And if I hide behind a door, pop out and say "boo!" She'll jump a little and laugh really hard, which of course makes us laugh really hard. There was a lot of laughing going on last night. As Matt put it, "She is a joy to be around." Well said.

Well, someone is stirring so I will leave you with a few pics from our week at Grandma and Grandpa's and a video of Addy fighting to stay awake. Have a happy Tuesday friends!

This was the shirt I wore home from the hospital. We found it in a box along with some baby clothes that belonged to my brother and I.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Lunch with Addy

My New Year's resolution this year was to slow down and stop trying to pack a million things into one day. So far, I am proud to say, that I've kept it up and I've actually been enjoying my days more. It's funny how you can feel more fulfilled at the end of the day when you do less. 

In slowing down I've been able to give more attention to Addy. We've started having lunch together this week and I can't speak for her, but I think it's super fun. 

Addy has never been a big eater. She's small for her age and we've tried several things to fatten her up. Recently, we've been giving her bottles with more kilo calories which she guzzles down but I think that's caused her not to be interested in other foods. I think. Or it could be teething, or my bad cooking, or just a plain ol' bad attitude. Who knows really.

So, I've been experimenting with finger foods. She mostly just plays with the pasta, apples and pinto beans I've made for her BUT I have noticed that she eats better when I sit down and eat my food in front of her. To see her eat anything makes this momma so happy! 

We've had to make some adjustments in our schedule to accommodate our joined lunch. She's a slow eater but that's OK because I don't have anywhere to be and I look forward to lunch with Addy.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Maybe She's Teething?

Our sweet little girl hasn't been so sweet lately. In fact, she's been a bit of a brat and super clingy. This sweet face has been MIA which makes me think that.....maybe she's teething?

Whenever Addy is acting extra fussy or has a bad night, we usually blame it on teething but since she only has two teeth, I think we've been wrong a few times.

Over the Christmas weekend, I was positive that she was getting her first top tooth. I saw it and felt it and thought for sure it was the reason for her sluggish, grumpy behavior. Well, it's been three weeks and that little tooth has just disappeared.

Teething is such a mystery to me. But I guess most things are when they are this little and not able to communicate. 

Today the grumpiness is back but there is still no sign of the tooth. I've enjoyed the extra snuggle time but I'm hoping that little guy makes his appearance soon. I want my sweet little girl back.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Addy is 10 Months Old!

Today is Miss Adelyne's 10 month Birthday!

As per our norm these days, it was pretty difficult to get a good photo of Addy and Mr. Monkey but I must say that our photo session turned out to be a funny one. 

I positioned Addy, Mr. Monkey and the piece of paper just how I wanted them, then hurried to snap a photo before Addy took off. As you can see, I wasn't fast enough. She was up on both feet before I knew it.

Then she noticed the piece of paper, set back down and studied it for a while before she was off again.


When I finally got her back where I wanted her, she decided to throw the paper over the edge of the sofa.


Then went Mr. Monkey,

Then went Addy.

At least she keeps us laughing.


Friday, January 6, 2012

I Resolve...

I'm not much for New Year's resolutions but I decided to make one this year. It's not one of the typical resolutions like work out more or read more books. Instead, I want to do less. 

In 2012, I am going to slow down.

In preparation for Christmas, on top of all the fun holiday activities, I made 9 hats and 3 aprons. I loved giving handmade gifts and really enjoyed making everyone of them. But I was busy and always doing something.

I view staying home as a privilege. I always said that if I got the opportunity to be a full time Mom, I wanted to have something to show for it. So since I stopped working, I've been running around doing chores as quickly as possible so that during nap time I could make a hat and sew a dress and read a book and learn how to cook. It's amazing what I think I can fit into those 1-2 hour time spans. 

The problem with trying to fit so much into one day is that you get sloppy and the little one, who is the reason I stay home, gets neglected. She doesn't go unfed and her physical needs are always met but she doesn't get as much of my attention as she deserves.


I want to have something to show for my time spent at home and I'm learning that that might not always be the best homemade outfits or the prettiest home, but maybe a child who grows up to love the Lord and a husband who loves to come home to his girls.

So what have you resolved to do this year? Do any of you Moms have trouble balancing ubber productivity and pure laziness?

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy 2012

The new year is here!
And so far, it's been great.
We enjoyed ringing in the new year with friends and games. The weather has been beautiful this week in the 505 which I think is a sign of a good year to come.

Besides celebrating Addy's first Birthday (crazy!!!) and Matt starting a new job as a big shot attorney (big answer to prayer!), we don't have a lot planned for 2012. I'm hoping it's a little more low key than 2011. Graduating from law school, passing the bar, having a baby and buying a house makes for one heck of a year. As a friend put it; we became adults this year!

2011 was a year that we were looking forward too probably ever since Matt started law school and especially since we found out our twosome would become a family of three in March of 2011. We had some pretty high expectations for 2011 and I'd say that it went above and beyond our expectations with unexpected blessings like a house and several new friendships that we are excited to see grow in 2012.

I can't wait to see what all God has planned for us in the new year!

Let's kick off the new year by taking a look back at some of my favorite memories of 2011.

33 Weeks Preggo.Brand New.Snuggles with Uncle Perry.Dad and Daughter.Nap on the Boppy.First Smiles.NM Bar Swearing In.Giggles.Two Months.Monkey PJ's.Law School Graduation.Memorial Day.Cousins.First Father's Day.Bald Spot.Cow Appreciation Day.Sweet Cousin Carter.Water Baby.Sweet Smiley Girl.Four Generations.New Set of Wheels.Photo Shoot.First Fiesta.First Halloween.First Thanksgiving.First Christmas

Happy New Year!

P.S. My apologies for an awful Christmas post. Photos that didn't come through, an extremely long and boring post. I was not on my A-game; hoping to get it back in the new year :)